Here I Go Again

Here I am again. After 5 months, I have once again been eating and drinking unhealthily for the past few days and need to pull myself out of the cycle.

A lot had happened since I last posted. I went on a trip to San Francisco. Thanksgiving. Christmas. New Year’s. I went on a trip to Paris. Super Bowl Sunday. Those are a list of things I’ve done but they’re also a list of excuses. I used all of these things as excuses to eat poorly for too long. Of course I’m going to eat burritos and In N Out in san Francisco. Of course I’m going to eat mounds of stuffing and mashed potatoes covered in gray for Thanksgiving. Who doesn’t munch on candy and cookies in the days leading up to Christmas? Who doesn’t down champagne and munch on snacks for New Year’s Eve? Who doesn’t eat bread and cheese in Paris? And what Super Bowl Sunday if not another excuse to sit around, drink, and eat crappy but delicious food?

When I know a “bad eating” occasion is coming up, I can’t seem to get myself on track for the rest of the week, which is the problem. Somewhere in all of those life experiences I joined weight watchers and bought a fit bit. For the first week I did really well, tracking everything, counting steps, and reserving a cheat day for the weekend where I didn’t track and got right back to it the next day. The first week was great, I lost 8 pounds. I felt amazing, I felt proud. The next week, I did yoga 3 times, I rode my stationary bike that had been collecting dust and cat hair for the pst year. I meal planned. I planned my cheat day. I was prepared. But when I stepped on the scale, I had gained a pound.

Of course this resulted in a binge, that then led into the holidays, and Paris and I haven’t been able to pull myself out of it. I was sporadically tracked things. I’ve had a couple good days that end with me giving up and having a chocolate bar at the end of the day. I’ll track breakfast and lunch and then come home and eat an un measured dinner so I don’t track it.

I need the cycle to end. 

I need to believe in myself.

I need to remember to take this one day at a time.

I need to remember this won’t happen overnight, but I am worth it.

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